Exempts itself from being held accountable by anyone too.hank the Lord Almighty I live in a free country, and not in one like her neighbor to the north.
Even if that country thought-police state changed its name to Cubanada and selected a bearded cigar smoker for its prime minister, the resemblance couldn't be more striking.
Click on its proposed new flag to see how relevant the following sample quotations are to today's Cubanadian citizens subjects.
Cubanada's symbol of solidarity with another regressive relic of repressiveness ( Right Wing News) |
In my article "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship," written in 1949, I said, "The combination of these two aspects, democracy for the people and dictatorship over the reactionaries, is the people's democratic dictatorship."
On the Correct (sic) Handling of Contradictions Among the People, February 27, 1957
In our state, naturally, there can be no place for freedom of speech, press, and so on for the foes of socialism.
Anyone who incites against the social order, international solidarity or the socialist state by means of verbal, written or any other kind of propaganda, or who makes, distributes or possesses such propaganda, can be imprisoned from between one to eight years.
Anyone who threatens, slanders, defames, insults, harms or in anyway outrages or offends, verbally or in writing, the dignity or honor of an authority, public official, or their agents or auxiliaries, in the exercise of their functions or because of them can be imprisoned for between three months and one year or fined or both. If the act of disrespect is directed at the head of state or other senior officials the penalty is a prison term from one to three years.

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Hat Tip: h/t Liberal Utopia Full: Libsareb Raindead, "Canada's 'Human Rights' Commission Forbids Free Thinking," Liberal Utopia, May 23, 2008.
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